Private Locating Services

Why do you need a Locate?

Did you know that anytime you break ground (digging) you are required to call Ontario One Call (1-800-400-2255) This includes all Homeowners, Contractors, or Infrastructure Owners. Just below our feet, utilities that supply power, hydro, communications etc. are fed through the ground all over the province.

These utilities can be just inches below or many feet buried into the ground and damaging these utilities can be costly and dangerous. It’s just not worth the risk to not get locates.

What’s the difference Public vs Private Locates?

Public utility companies are responsible to locate only their facilities. This includes companies like Hydro One, Reliance, Enbridge Gas, Rogers and Bell.

Private utilities are the responsibility of the contractor or property owner to mark out. This could be the power from a private transformer to the building or streetlights, gas, fibre optics, irrigation, pools, detached garages, sheds, signage, etc.

Without hiring a private locator, there’s no way to know for sure what is below ground.

How can DALY help you?

As with all of our divisions, Daly focuses on the right people, the right equipment and safety. Our qualified techs are trained in locating private utilities such as power, gas, communications and hydro. We will provide you with clear, concise markings as well as a report showing where any buried utilities are located.

Your next step?

If you haven’t already, your first step is to call Ontario One Call (1-800-400-2255) to find out if you have any public services that they will need to locate.

Once you have completed that step and you still have private utilities to locate, click below and send us your information for a free estimate or give us a call at 416-717-7791.

Daly Locating Service